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Rock and roll music

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Lizard a. Prince Rupert Awakes (4:32) b. Bolero – The Peacock`s Tale (6:32) c. The Battle of Glass Tears (11:05) I. Dawn Song II. Last Skirmish III. Prince Rupert`s Lament d. Big Top (1:18)

King Crimson

Lizard • 1970
Realesed: 11/12/1970
Writers: Robert Fripp (Music) and Peter Sinfield (Lyrics)
a. Prince Rupert Awakes (4:32)
b. Bolero – The Peacock`s Tale (6:32)
c. The Battle of Glass Tears (11:05)
I. Dawn Song
II. Last Skirmish
III. Prince Rupert`s Lament
d. Big Top (1:18)
Lizard • 1970


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